N° of machines in the database 4.284 - MEASURES IN THE DATABASE 9.456

Welcome to the Physical Agents Portal


The Physical Agents Portal (PAF) has been realised by the Physical Agents Laboratory of the "USL 7 Siena" Health Agency Prevention Department in the frame of the "Targeted Plan for Risks arising from Physical Agents" approved by the Tuscany Region Committee Decree No. 5888 of 1 December 2008. The Portal has been developed in collaboration with INAIL (Italian Workers' Compensation Authority) and "USL Modena" Health Agency as part of the "Risk arising from exposure to physical agents in working environments: development and adjustment of databases for supporting risk assessment and prevention interventions in all working sectors" project promoted by the Ministry of Health and the CCM (National Centre for disease prevention and control) in order to provide an information tool that could support Security Managers and Prevention Operators in PHYSICAL AGENTS prevention and protection. The user should look through the content of the page "Guide for using the Database" for each single Physical Agent in order to use the related data in the proper way. We decline any liability arising from an improper use of the data and information contained in the Databases and in the Portal.


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