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Machine technical sheet

Immagine rappresentane il macchinario
Brand: FEIN
Model: SCT 5-40 X
Type: Straight, angle and pistol grip, impact or ratchet wrenches and screwdrivers
Weight: 1.3 kg
Power: 0.45 kW
Power supply: Electrical (220V-380V)
Reference standard: IEC EN 60745-1

Immagine rappresentante la tipologia
Declared values as set forth in the standard IEC EN 60745-1
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
Livello pressione acustica
LAeq(dBA) ±K dB
Potenza acustica
LWA(dB) ±K dB
81 ±3 dB92 ±3 dB
This machine may also have risks arising from: Hand-Arm Vibration
logo regione toscana
Regione Toscana
Diritti Valori Innovazione Sostenibilità
collegamento sito usl 7 siena Servizio Sanitario