PAF > HAV: machines: 2.897 measurements: 4.913 Last update 22-06-2023

Hand - Arm Vibration: Risk Description


The Directive 2002/44/EC provides the following definition of hand-arm system transmitted vibration:

"The mechanical vibration that, when transmitted to the human hand-arm system, entails risks to the health and safety of workers, in particular vascular, bone or joint, neurological or muscular disorders.

The hand-arm vibration exposure is generally due to hand contact with the handle of hand-held and hand-guided machinery.

 Table 1 provides a list of tools that, when regularly used, entail, in most of cases, remarkable risks to workers arising from exposure to hand-arm vibration .


Table 1 - Examples of sources of hand-arm vibration exposure risk


Type of tool


Main types of processing and manufacturing


Percussive tools


Chipping hammers and scalers - Riveting hammers

Stone chiseling, fettling of castings, rust and painting removal - Riveting

Hammer drills, percussive hammers and breakers (hydraulic, electrical and pneumatic type)

Construction - Stone processing

Impact drills

Engineering industry

Impact wrenches

Engineering industry - Body shops


Foundries - Engineering industry

Shears and nibblers for metal

Engineering industry

Rotary tools


Orbital and random orbital sanders

Engineering industry  - Stone - Wood

Circular saws and jig saws

Engineering industry  - Stone - Wood

Angle and axial grinders

Engineering industry  - Stone - Wood

Light duty straight grinders

Engineering industry  - Stone - Wood

Chain saws

Agricultural and forestry works

Brush cutters

Maintenance of green areas

Other machines



Maintenance of green areas


Agricultural and forestry works

Nailing machines

Pallets, wood

Concrete compactors

Vibrated concrete production

Rotating shaping machines with flexible shaft

Engineering industry - Stone: Fettling - polishing

Motorcycle and scooters handlebars

Transports - Public safety

Cubing machines

Stone processing (porphyry)

Riveting machines

Shoe factories

Dentist's drills, orthopaedic saw

Health care: Dentistry - Thoracic and Orthopaedic Surgery - Pathologic Anatomy


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